Monday, November 17, 2008

Why Public Defenders Have a Short Lifespan

I appeared with my client at a Jury Trial Management Hearing today. I told my client that the State agreed to dismiss the charges against him if he agreed to return ownership of a car to its original owner without contesting title (he was charged with buying a stolen car having reason to know it was stolen). My client asserted his innocence from the beginning, and I actually believe him, but the car would have gone back to the original owner anyway. If the case had gone to trial, he was facing 10-35 years.

My client agreed to the dismissal and to relinquish any claim to valid title. Then he told me that he had no respect for me or confidence in me because he disagreed with the way we investigated the case on his behalf.

I guess it wasn't enough that our investigation raised enough doubt before trial to eliminate his exposure to prison completely. A simple "thank you" would have sufficed; saying nothing would have sufficed, too.


karin said...

I would have said "thank you."

Unknown said...

Some clients will never be happy. It seems like they think it's our fault that we couldn't wave a magic wand and return things to the way they were before they were charged with a crime.

The Barb Chronicles said...

I don't think I would ever be in that situation (lets hope) but if I was I probably would have given you a thankyou, or maybe a high-five, or maybe nothing because I would be greatful i wouldn't spend the next 10-35 years with a women in a small concrete space! such weeners! Get a new job corbett, that way you can live longer!